Sunday 2 November 2008

Evaluation Draft - Damien Theuveny

1: Our thriller sequence uses several conventions that are typically found in thrillers such as:
A typical mise-en-scene found in thrillers (darkness, woodland),
An opening chase scene,
Mystery and confusion,
These conventions are used so the audience gets an idea of what they are watching and hints at what they should expect from the thriller.

2: Our thriller project doesn’t really represent social groups specifically however you could argue that they dress differently and so are from different social groups. However you could also argue the opposite and say that the 2 characters are in fact from similar social groups as they happen to be at the same location. The stalker could just be dressed to hide better or so he isn’t seen as easily.

3: I think our media product would be distributed by ....

4: Our target audience would probably include teenagers and young adults, perhaps 15 – 25. The media product would be rated a 15 because of the violent nature of the product. Although our sequence doesn’t include a lot of violence, the blood sinking into the water could imply the violence that is to come. The product targets both genders although I would expect an imbalance.

5:Our thriller sequence would attract the target audience by setting questions and confusion in the mind of the audience; Questions such as “Whose blood is that?” or “Why is he chasing him” and obviously “What happens next”.

6:I have learnt to use software such as final cut and garageband . I have also learnt that a lot of camera work and filming has to be done to fill up a minute of a sequence.

In Final cut I learnt to modify the speed and duration of clips to suit the theme and sound track better. Although I had done this before it was interesting to put/modify the footage to a sound track that we made ourselves. I used flashing effects and colour balance to change the look of the clips themselves so they fit the thriller genre better.

Garageband was a program I hadn’t used a lot before. I found my induction to garageband very useful when creating the thriller sequence. Importing the rough footage allowed us to see just how long or short our sections where (Chase scene, Blood and Titles) This made the editing stage a lot simpler and faster as I didn’t have to worry about going back into garageband to re-edit the sound.

7:Overall I felt all the work in the thriller was generally higher quality then the work done in the induction. In the planning we managed to do a more detailed storyboard and we fully anoted, labled and described each frame. We had a better detailed shot list and we had a backup location planned incase the woodland disapointed us or did not meet our requirements.

The Filming itself wasn't shakey as we planned and decided to film in open spaces so we can use the tripod effectivly.
The acting wasn't as poor as it was in our induction task; however it could have been a lot better and we were surprised some of the clips we took were actually usable. This was also helped by the extra effort we made in the editing stages.



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